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772×250 vs 772×250

Just a heads up for Photoshop users exporting graphics for their WordPress plugin in the WP Plugin Directory.

When creating the image for your plugin’s /assets/ directory, the WP documentation indicates that the file needs to be named “banner-772×250.png”.

When exporting/saving this image in Photoshop, double-check that the file name is correct. Specifically, there is a difference between the following names, both of which look correct:

banner-772×250.png <-- incorrect
banner-772x250.png <-- correct

Notice the difference? It’s the “×” symbol vs. the letter “x”. The one that you want is the letter “x” or it won’t work. If you use the incorrect character, the banner image will not be recognized by the Plugin Directory or the little elves that work inside.

What does Photoshop have to do with it? Somehow that’s where the incorrect character was introduced, during the “Save for Web” export. So you want to be careful if using Photoshop, or really anytime you’re working with the name of your plugin’s banner image.

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