Category Archive: PHP
Posts about PHP
PHP Sanitize XSS
Here is a simple PHP function I use to prevent XSS attacks. Use it to sanitize any user-input or otherwise unknown variables before use.
PHP Add and Remove Query String Variables
Two quick functions, one for adding a query string variable and another to remove a query string variable. Either of these functions can be used in any PHP script to modify query-string parameters.
PHP Shorten String by Character Count
Quick copy-n-paste function to truncate or shorten a string of text to a specific number of characters. Useful for things like “next” and “previous” navigation links and so forth.
PHP Check if Request is HTTPS
Here we have a simple and effective PHP function that checks whether or not HTTPS (via SSL) is used for the current request.
PHP foreach loop
I am always using this PHP code snippet, which basically loops through an array that may or may not include nested arrays. So to make things easier, I am posting here for quick reference.
PHP Sanitize Form Data
On the Web, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is one of the most common types of attacks. Fortunately, there is an easy fix: always filter input data and always escape output data.
Filter pre tags in bbPress
A couple of functions used at to enable unescaped/unencoded pre and code tags in bbPress forum posts.
Display a Simple “Tweet This” Link
Twitter changes their API quite a bit, however it is still possible to display a simple “tweet this” link anywhere on your web pages.
WordPress Check PHP Version
When working with the WP API, you may need to check the current version of PHP to ensure compatibility.
PHP Send Bulk Emails from Text File
This post provides a couple of PHP code snippets that enable you to send emails from a text file. Send in plain-text format and plain-text with embedded image.
Simple Ajax Chat Test Script
When testing my plugin, Simple Ajax Chat (SAC), I use the following script to save time testing various chat functionality. Posted here in case it’s useful for others. Note this is for the free version of SAC. Enjoy!
PHP Detect All Versions of IE
Quick code snippet for detecting all versions of good ’ol IE (Internet Explorer).