PHP Sanitize Form Data
On the Web, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is one of the most common types of attacks. Fortunately, there is an easy fix: always filter input data and always escape output data.
.htaccess template for custom directory views
Here is an .htaccess template for displaying a customized directory with file view enabled, such that all files except for those indicated are displayed as a list.
Filter pre tags in bbPress
A couple of functions used at to enable unescaped/unencoded pre and code tags in bbPress forum posts.
Protect files with .htaccess
Here are some examples of how to use .htaccess to protect any sensitive files on the server.
Display a Simple “Tweet This” Link
Twitter changes their API quite a bit, however it is still possible to display a simple “tweet this” link anywhere on your web pages.
Limit HTTP Request Size
This .htaccess snippet can be used to restrict the total size of the HTTP request body sent from the client.
WordPress Create Shortcode
Ultra-quick guide to help you create a WordPress Shortcode. Aimed at experienced WordPress users who need a basic example of how to create shortcodes.
WordPress Check PHP Version
When working with the WP API, you may need to check the current version of PHP to ensure compatibility.
CSS reveal nofollow links
In this quick post, you’ll see how to use CSS attribute selectors to reveal any nofollow links included in your web pages.
CSS text-shadow snippets
Here are some of my favorite/most-used CSS text-shadow snippets.
Create .htaccess files on OS X and Windows
This is a quick tutorial on how to create .htaccess files on Windows (PC) and OS X (Mac). This post also explains a bit about how .htaccess files work, and how to view them on various operating systems.
CSS Style Pre Tags
I enjoy writing about HTML pre tags. In this post, I share some basic CSS to help style your pre tags for both screen and print media.