Notes for Plesk Webmail
Recently discovered that emails were not getting thru. Looking into it, turns out that Plesk’s webmail feature was at 100% capacity so it was rejecting all new email. Not good.
PHP String Cleaner
Here is a PHP snippet for cleaning or sanitizing variables.
CSS Target Opera
Here are some nice CSS techniques for targeting old and new versions of Opera.
Remove borders & outlines in IE
For the DigWP redesign, I noticed that some linked images were displayed with an unwanted border (or outline) in IE. After the usual CSS techniques failed to work, I experimented a bit and discovered a simple solution.
Force download WMV with .htaccess
Everyone loves WMV! Not! Jokes aside, here’s what finally worked for me when trying to force download Windows Media Video (WMV) files.
Tip for resizing images
Here is a quick tip for getting clearer images when reducing their size at web resolution 72dpi.
WordPress enqueue user-agent stylesheets
WordPress makes it clean and easy to enqueue custom stylesheets via the functions.php file. Here’s how to do it for user-agent stylesheets.
Get all meta data for WordPress user
Quick tip to get all meta data for any WordPress user. Warning, arrays ahead..
Fade in page content with jQuery
Here are two simple techniques to fade in page content with jQuery. The fade-in effect isn’t for everyone, but it’s a nice tool to have in the box.
PHP Compress CSS & JavaScript
Quick snippets for compressing CSS and JavaScript with PHP’s ob_gzhandler, which will gzip or deflate content depending on browser support.
CSS transition effect for links
CSS transitions can add a nice effect to links. Here are some quick example snippets for your copy/paste enjoyment.
jQuery align elements with the grid
When working on a CSS grid, here’s one way of aligning variable-height elements, such as blocks of pre-formatted code, advertisements, and so on.