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WP Admin link to All Options

The WordPress database houses more settings than those available in the Admin Area. Here’s a quick code snippet to display an “All Options” screen to view otherwise hidden data.

To see the “All Options” screen while logged in to the Admin Area, visit the following URL (Tip: replace example.com with your domain, and add the WP install directory, if needed):


As you can see, the All Options screen enables viewing of most options and editing capabilities of quite a few of them. If you find access to such settings useful, and you know for sure that other users won’t have access or mess with them, you can add a link to the screen with the following function:

// admin link for all options/settings
function all_options_link() {
	add_options_page(__('All Options'), __('All Options'), 'manage_options', 'options.php');
add_action('admin_menu', 'all_options_link');

Just add that code to your theme’s functions.php file and then visit the Settings menu in the Admin. There you’ll see a new link to the All Options screen, where you can view and modify settings without having to visit the database. The best part is that this is all built into WP by default, so just add the code and done.

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