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Category Archive: WordPress

Posts about WordPress

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WordPress Example Child Theme

Here is a ready-to-go example Child Theme that you can download and use on your own WordPress-powered site.

WordPress Disable REST API Header Links

WordPress 4.4 adds all sorts of new REST API functionality. Which is great if your site is using it. But if not, then you may want to remove all of the extra baggage that WordPress now adds to every page load. This tutorial explains how to disable it.

WordPress s2member PayPal Fix

For those using s2Member and getting no response after clicking the “Continue” button on the PayPal.com site, here is a quick possible solution.

WordPress Display Version Number

Here is a simple function to display the current version number for WordPress.

Difference between home.php & front-page.php

This article explains the difference between WordPress’ home.php and front-page.php theme templates, as related to the display of your site’s front page. For best results, log in to the Admin Area of your WP installation and follow along with the text.

WordPress check if plugin is active

Developing WordPress plugins, it’s super useful to know if another specific plugin is active. Fortunately WordPress makes it easy to do, read on to learn how..

WordPress Exclude Custom Post Type from Search

Out of the box, WordPress search results include matches from any Custom Post Types that may be enabled via the theme template. For example, at htaccessbook.com, any matching content found in forum posts will be included in search results. This default behavior can be super convenient, but it is not always desirable. In this quick […]

WordPress Change Default Number of Displayed Posts

By default, WordPress displays the same number of posts for the home page (when it is set to display posts) and all types of archive views. To change the default number of posts displayed for any specific view, you can add this simple function to your theme’s functions.php file.

WordPress Shortcode Display Search Form

Here is an easy custom WordPress function to display your theme’s search form via shortcode. This makes it easy to display the search form on any Post or Page.

WordPress Prefix Post Titles

A reader recently asked how they can prepend the post date to the post title. Here is a quick and easy way to do it by filtering WordPress’ the_title hook.

WordPress repair and optimize InnoDB

This tutorial explains how to use WordPress’ built-in tools for optimizing database tables that are of the InnoDB type. Also works for good ’ol MyISAM database tables.

WordPress Change Excerpt Length

This code snippet is SO easy.. check it out if you want to change the default number of words included by default in WordPress excerpts.