
A fresh mix of code snippets and tutorials

jQuery Add / Remove Class

Adding and removing classes to/from HTML elements is super-easy with jQuery. Here is a quick tutorial that explains how it’s done. The code snippets are copy & paste friendly, so you can grab, gulp, and go.

jQuery Add Class

Here is the basic technique for adding a class to a specified element:


This snippet adds a class named .my-class to the specified target element, .target-element. Here is an example where the class is added when the user clicks a button (i.e., .button):


With this code, the class will be added when the user clicks the button.

jQuery Remove Class

Here is the basic technique for removing a class from a specified element:


This snippet removes a class named .my-class from the specified target element, .target-element. Here is an example where the class is removed when the user clicks a button (i.e., .button):


With this code, the class will be removed when the user clicks the button.

Note that these code snippets are using $, which may not work depending on how you have jQuery set up. In such case, feel free to change each instance of $ to the default, jQuery.

Bada bing bada boom.

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