
A fresh mix of code snippets and tutorials

PHP: Get current URL

Nice lil slab of PHP to get the current URL. Useful for a wide variety of applications, nice one to have in the tool belt.

1Password Dropbox Sync

Here is a simple trick for getting your 1Password data file to sync on any device.

Protect .svn files with .htaccess

For those using subversion, here is how to protect your svn files with .htaccess.

WordPress get all user emails

Quick snippet to get all user emails in WordPress.

Set X-UA-Compatible via .htaccess

It’s relatively well known that you can set X-UA-Compatible headers with HTML.. here is how to do it with a bit of .htaccess.

Members-only content via shortcode

Here is a sweet little WordPress shortcode to display content only to logged-in users. Visitors not logged in will see a custom message saying whatever you’d prefer.

Simple Ajax Chat .htaccess whitelist

In general, chat scripts are huge targets for malicious activity. My chat plugin, Simple Ajax Chat is no exception, and includes strong security measures to protect against attack. Aimed at the free version of SAC, this quick tutorial shows a simple Apache/.htaccess technique to further strengthen plugin security.

Superbox replace rel with data-rel

At WP-Tao.com, I use jQuery Superbox to display lightbox-style popup images and screenshots. Here is a quick mod used to replace rel attributes with data-rel.

Structure of $_FILES array

Working with USP Pro involves a lot of $_FILES manipulation. I tend to forget how the array is structured, so I’m posting it here for ez reference.

Quick KB/MB unit conversions

Working with .htaccess for stuff like file uploads, it’s frequently necessary to convert between kilobytes and megabytes.

Lazy Load Tricks

I use Lazy Load for the sweet animated effects at Plugin Planet. Here are some code snippets for future reference.

Display Images with User Submitted Posts

Here is a quick recipe for displaying linked images for images submitted with the User Submitted Posts plugin.

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