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Category Archive: WordPress

Posts about WordPress

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Rename uploaded files in WordPress

Here is a function used in my free WordPress plugin User Submitted Posts that enables you to rename WordPress media uploads. So for example, if the user uploads a JPG image named “sweet-ride.jpg”, the following function will append a random string to rename the file “sweet-ride-random.jpg”, where “random” is a random alphanumeric string containing 20 […]

WordPress Get Edited Post ID

Working on my plugin Disable Gutenberg, I needed a way to get the ID of an edited post. Not on the front-end, but on the “Edit Post” screen in the WP Admin Area. Unfortunately WordPress does not provide a built-in core function for handling this, so it’s necessary to roll our own solution.

Get Current Post Type in the WordPress Admin Area

In WordPress, you can create posts, pages, or any custom post type. Within your theme template, you can get the current post type using the core WP function, get_post_type(). But that doesn’t work in the Admin Area. For example, my Disable Gutenberg plugin provides conditional functionality to the “Add New” and “Edit” screens based on […]

Contact Form X

There are a million contact form plugins, but this one is MINE. One of the primary communication channels for my online empire is the Perishable Press Contact Page. I get a TON of email from that location, all coming from different projects, plugins, books, tutorials, etc. So the contact form that I display must be […]

New WordPress plugin: Banhammer!

Quick post to announce my latest WordPress security plugins, Banhammer (free version) and Banhammer Pro. These plugins give you full control over site access, enabling you to warn or ban any user or bot with a click. So you can monitor traffic via slick Ajax UI, and drop the Banhammer on any suspicious or threatening […]

Video Tutorials: WordPress Plugin Development

After months of hard work, I am stoked to announce the launch of my new video course on WordPress Plugin Development. It covers the entire process of building, securing, and optimizing your own plugins, including 50+ ready-to-go plugin demos and examples.

WordPress Limit Post Display to Post Authors

Here is a good, WP-API method of limiting post display to the currently logged-in post author (i.e., so users can only view their own posts). Here you’ll find two variations of this technique. The first limits the display of posts for non-admin users only. The other limits the display of posts for all users, including […]

WordPress Shortcode for Linked Image Gallery

This cool little snippet was contributed by VRS from Russia. It enables you to display a set of linked gallery images. You can use this technique anywhere in your theme template file or in any WordPress Post or Page.

WordPress.org Login URLs and User Profile Pages

Working as a developer at WordPress.org means that I get to log in and help people, update my plugins, and make sure my profile information is current. For quite awhile, however, I was confused about the various URLs that are involved with logging in and managing profiles, preferences, and so forth.. The whole WordPress.org domain […]

Stop WordPress from adding bundled plugins and themes during updates

By default, WordPress installs its bundled themes and plugins every time the software is updated. So for example, if you’re running the Hello Dolly plugin and a new version is available, WordPress will update the plugin when you upgrade WordPress.

WordPress clean up do_pings

When your WordPress site is configured to enable pings, the database can fill up with many do_pings WP Cron entries. This post provides a couple of quick ways to clean them up, by either disabling the functionality or deleting the do_pings entries from the database.

Minimal, optimal email headers

I recently had a conversation with an email guru concerning the ideal headers to use when sending plain-text email messages. Here is the punchline of that insightful exchange..