WordPress s2member PayPal Fix
For those using s2Member and getting no response after clicking the “Continue” button on the PayPal.com site, here is a quick possible solution.
WordPress Display Version Number
Here is a simple function to display the current version number for WordPress.
Difference between home.php & front-page.php
This article explains the difference between WordPress’ home.php and front-page.php theme templates, as related to the display of your site’s front page. For best results, log in to the Admin Area of your WP installation and follow along with the text.
Cron Notes: Ping External URL with No Output
Working on setting up Cron on ASO server for testing purposes.. just want to ping a URL/file, not save or send any output whatsoever. Here are my notes for future reference.
WordPress check if plugin is active
Developing WordPress plugins, it’s super useful to know if another specific plugin is active. Fortunately WordPress makes it easy to do, read on to learn how..
Add Facebook OG Attributes to HTML Tag
When adding Facebook Open Graph (OG) tags to your web pages, it is a good idea to add the required attributes to the <html></html> tag. Here is one way of doing it.
Disable iOS Tap Color
Here is a quick CSS snippet to disable the tap color in iOS.
PHP Sanitize XSS
Here is a simple PHP function I use to prevent XSS attacks. Use it to sanitize any user-input or otherwise unknown variables before use.
CSS Style Placeholders
When displaying with HTML forms, most modern browsers display placeholder values for textarea and input fields. Once you’ve added placeholder attributes to your form fields, you can style their appearance via CSS.
110+ Free Stock Photo and Image Sites
Here is a growing collection of free stock photo sites. Before downloading and using any photos for your project, be sure to check the specific licensing policies of whichever site(s) you are considering. Most everything from the following sites are free and/or open source, but there may be certain exceptions. Make sure to check the […]
jQuery Add / Remove Class
Adding and removing classes to/from HTML elements is super-easy with jQuery. Here is a quick tutorial that explains how it’s done. The code snippets are copy & paste friendly, so you can grab, gulp, and go.
.htaccess block spammer
Quick tutorial showing how to block a specific spammer via .htaccess. This technique is perfect for forum and site owners who want to block access to pesky visitors based on their reported IP address.