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Disable Pinterest on Your Pages

Pinterest is a social-media service that people can use to collect your site’s images. The Pinterest browser extension and app add a “Pin it” (or whatever) button to the images that are included on your web pages. That way users can just click a button to add your images to their account on Pinterest. Fortunately, […]

Protect against SQL Injection

Here is a nice copy/paste .htaccess snippet to help block SQL-injection attacks. It can be added as-is to your .htaccess file to help protect against SQL injection and other types of malicious activity. This code is a not a replacement for proper data sanitization, but it does help to add another layer of security to […]

WordPress Prefix Post Titles

A reader recently asked how they can prepend the post date to the post title. Here is a quick and easy way to do it by filtering WordPress’ the_title hook.

WordPress Trigger and Target Interim Login Screen

Our previous post on WordPress login parameters is very complete. Or so I thought. But I had forgotten about the “Interim Login Screen”. The interim login screen is displayed when you are working in the WP Admin Area and for some reason the session expires and you are logged out.

WordPress Conditional Shortcodes via Ajax

This example builds from the conditional do_shortcode technique to evaluate shortcodes during Ajax requests.

Video Tutorials: Securing WordPress Sites

After several months of production, my video course on developing secure WordPress sites is now available at LinkedIn/Lynda.com!

Secure .svn directories

On most servers, the hidden .svn directories that are used for subversion are hidden and protected by default. If you’re paranoid or unsure of whether or not the svn files are protected automatically, you can use a slice of .htaccess to block all public access.

Minimal, optimal email headers

I recently had a conversation with an email guru concerning the ideal headers to use when sending plain-text email messages. Here is the punchline of that insightful exchange..

Display user-friendly dates and times

Normally WordPress displays dates using boring old numbers. How much more fun would it be to display dates and times using human-readable language to make them all user-friendly and swell.

New WordPress plugin: Banhammer!

Quick post to announce my latest WordPress security plugins, Banhammer (free version) and Banhammer Pro. These plugins give you full control over site access, enabling you to warn or ban any user or bot with a click. So you can monitor traffic via slick Ajax UI, and drop the Banhammer on any suspicious or threatening […]

CSS to debug CSS

Here is a minimal set of CSS styles useful for debugging your CSS codes.

WordPress Conditional Do Shortcode

Quick snippet to call and evaluate WordPress shortcodes conditionally, outside of their normal Post/Page context.