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WordPress Create Shortcode
Ultra-quick guide to help you create a WordPress Shortcode. Aimed at experienced WordPress users who need a basic example of how to create shortcodes.
Set Firmware Password on macOS
Own a Mac? Prevent thieves from wiping your hard drive by setting a firmware password. Especially useful if running any sort of anti-theft or tracking app. Setting a firmware password for macOS is straightforward, requiring only three steps.
Reset password via SQL
Quick tip o the day! Here’s how to reset your password using a simple SQL query.
Simple Ajax Chat Test Script
When testing my plugin, Simple Ajax Chat (SAC), I use the following script to save time testing various chat functionality. Posted here in case it’s useful for others. Note this is for the free version of SAC. Enjoy!
Affinity Photo: Transparent Gradient
I switched from Photoshop to Affinity Photo several years ago. Although the overall image editing process is very similar to Photoshop, there are some things that Affinity Photo does differently. For example, doing a simple gradient transparency. Seems easy but it took me quite a while to figure out how to do it. So am […]
Two interesting WordPress infographics
Here are a couple of interesting infographics for WordPress. Interesting to get a larger view of the WP universe :)
PHP: Remove Empty File Data
This quick function does one simple thing. It removes empty file data from a PHP files array. As you may know, the structure of the $_FILES array is sort of backwards from what normally would be expected. Because of this, removing empty file data from the array requires some extra wrangling. So to make things […]
Redirect Attacker to Special Message
If you are using Apache server, you can stop an attack by getting the IP address of the attacker and then using it to block or redirect all of their requests. Normally I just block the requests using either Deny or Require directives (depending on Apache version), but sometimes it’s fun to redirect the attacker […]
Find All URLs in a String with PHP
While developing my WordPress chat plugin, SAC Pro, I needed a way to get all URLs from a string. This enabled me to find any URLs that were included in chat messages, so I could apply HTML formatting and convert the raw URLs into actual clickable hyperlinks.
WordPress s2member PayPal Fix
For those using s2Member and getting no response after clicking the “Continue” button on the PayPal.com site, here is a quick possible solution.
Notes on @media queries
Just a couple of notes for working with CSS @media queries: two ways to write media queries and how to query portrait vs. landscape orientation.
JavaScript & jQuery: Add Style to Fragment Identifier
It’s easy to style a <div></div> by targeting its ID. But what if you only want to add style when a specific fragment identifier is targeted via the URL? So for example, your page at /about/ has a table with all the data. When visitors arrive directly at /about/, no extra styles are added. But […]